Premature ejaculation or ejaculation before you or your partner wanted you, is a common problem that strikes most men at some point in their lives. Several factors can occurs at ejaculation.
The Reduction of Anxiety
For many people fear and pressure to perform is a major contributor to premature ejaculation. Relax and remember that your partner probably worry about more than the timing of your orgasms, and that premature ejaculation does not mean you can not still be good in bed.
Consider Non-Sexual Thoughts
If you notice that you're getting too excited, put your mind to something distant, abstract and unsexy, like mathematics, rush hour traffic or baseball. Only dwell on it long enough to give yourself a break from the excitement, maybe 5 to 10 seconds, then turn your attention to your partner. Avoid thinking of a topic that is going to get stressed out or cause you to lose all your excitement.
Changing Positions
Try passive position. Are you female partner, or try a side-by-side or spooning position.Avoid active modes. Missionary and rear-entry positions etc.
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