Internet:Easy Access To
Porn But Is Safe For Your Penis Health?
the Internet , pornographic content
is as numerous and easy to consume as never before. More than 90% of the pornographic content is consumed online, and around 35% of internet visits to men are based on the search for videos and images of this type.
Homogeneous with consumption, the complaints of insufficient sexual stimulation and in some cases
even impotence with real partners
increased. The phenomenon was picked up by some researchers and studied in
studies. The results of these studies are consistent with the fact that
excessive pornography can lead to
erectile dysfunction.
Erectile Dysfunction Is
Psychologically or Physically Justified
Erectile dysfunction may have psychological or physical
reasons. In the case of erectile
dysfunction by pornography,
however, it is not immediately understandable how the reason for an erectile dysfunction in real partners
can be physical in nature, whereas this is easily achieved in porn.
To achieve an erection, the
brain must be sexually aroused. The neurotransmitter dopamine is needed
to allow blood flow into the penis-Prolargentsize pills stop erectile
dysfunction that causes by porn- . If this transmitter is not or not
sufficiently distributed the erection
is not possible or not sufficiently strong.
The lack of dopamine can be caused by psychological
factors such as anxiety, stress,
but also by insufficient sexual
stimulation. This is exactly where the
porn phenomenon appears. Where many
sufferers of pornographic films are sufficiently sexually stimulated, the lack of stimulation is lacking with real
How Do Porns Excite More
Than Real Partners?
the spread on the Internet and the
resulting competition, pornography
became ever harder and often unrealistic. Statistical surveys show that in pornography, men usually search for conditions that are difficult
to imagine in real life. This is
from sex intercourse with several women about sex with much younger partners
to exotic fetishes. The real sex
life is often boring in addition to such adventures. In a study from Italy,
28,000 Italians were accompanied over a
period of several years. At the same time, men who used excessive pornoccupation showed a
decrease in libido and decreased
responses-Prolargentsize boosts
libido in men and helps to increase blood circulation in the penis- to sexual stimulation In the long
run, this decline can lead to a complete impotence.
Looking For Porn
several studies have shown that even porn
can be addicted like a drug addict. The regular release of the hormone dopamine in men who are daily to watch porn is
expected sooner or later by the body. Some self-experiments by men who do not masturbate or watch porn for a long
time show that noticeable withdrawal
symptoms can occur. A recent self-published self-examination of a month
without masturbation shows that
withdrawal symptoms of masturbation and porn can have a permanent impact on perception. Other
self-tests even describe depression and abnormal behavior.
How To Stop Erectile
Dysfuction Due To Porn?
Prolargentsize is an
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