women refuse anal sex because they mentally connect him with pain. But with a
few tips that does not have to be the case. We will tell you how you can
experience sex from the back without pain.
Pain in anal sex
anal sex can be painful for women is because the opening of the anus is very
tight and not as easily stretchable as the vaginal opening. In addition, the
intestinal mucosa is very sensitive and can easily rupture. If the woman then
cramps, the pain increases in addition. The anus can be easily prepared with a
bit of practice on the anal intercourse - the sphincter is basically stretchy
enough to absorb the penis completely painless.
Relaxation: The alpha and
omega for painless anal intercourse
that you do not get in pain during anal sex, it is important that you are
relaxed and do not cramp. Imagine your sexual adventure and only engage in it,
if you are sure that you really want it. If you are unsure if this type of sex
pleases you, you can first introduce some anal caresses into your lovemaking or
just gently insert one of your fingers into the anus. Make sure that your
fingernails are cut and you have washed your hands first to prevent injuries
and infections. Do you like what you feel? Then you can take the next step.
a small sip of alcohol before anal sex, incidentally, can contribute to more
relaxation. But beware: Do not look too deeply into the glass, as alcohol can
also reduce your sensitivity to pain. And since pain usually indicates
something is wrong, you should not numb it.
Tips for the preparation
for anal sex-Get better erection and enjo in anal sex:Prolargentsize Pills
you and your partner are ready to have a great anal sex experience,however a
problem seems in your penis which is unable to get harder and no last long
erection. So in this care Prolargentsize penis enlargement pill with its hard
erection effect will work perfectly on your penis size. The penis gets more
powerful and rock hard performance during anal sex. Make your partner happy
today with herbal Prolargentsize product.
penis enlargement pill makes the penis stronger already from the first day of
use. The first measurable results come after five weeks of regular use. Because
the penis lengthens on average by 1 inch. After the next 3-6 months the penis
grows even 2 inches