I teach all of the following skills as part of my Beyond Delay training program but you can get something out of reading this whether you intend to use the program or not. All that matters is that you understand you are not stuck with this problem and you should never "just except it" like so many men have done in the past.
1. Breathing and relaxation techniques are a simple way to last longer
One of the quickest and simplest ways to make an improvement to your lasting time is to ensure your are breathing correctly both before and during intercourse. Most guys with premature ejaculation get this dead wrong and it can straight out sabotage your efforts to make it through the all important first two minutes of sex.
There's a lot more to it than just taking deep breaths, but the good news is it's relative easy to learn the correct techniques once you know what to focus on. Unlike some of the more advanced methods I teach to help men
last longer in bed(which can take a few weeks to master) guys can generally pick this up within an hour, which means it can start helping you out straight away.

2. Ejaculatory muscle control
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself "What physically causes me to ejaculate?" If you're like most of the guys I coach to last longer in bed, the answer will be a resounding "No".
You see it all comes down to one simple muscle. And get this... when this muscle is in a relaxed state it is physically impossible for you to ejaculate. It's called the pubococcygeus or PC muscle and is responsible for releasing seaman during your ejaculation.
3. Creating mental control and confidence
In the old days, premature ejaculation was often entirely put down to mental issues, and men with PE were prescribed sessions with psychiatrists or sometimes even hypnotherapy. As you might guess, this didn't work very well and you have to feel for guys with premature ejaculation in those days who didn't have access to the type of modern information and training methods that I am now showing you.
While premature ejaculation is primarily physical, that doesn't mean that the mental side of it is not important. It is. Because the way you manage your thoughts, focus and confidence levels during intercourse, can really sabotage your other efforts to last longer when not kept in check.
4. Understanding your sexual responses and how to take action
It may not seem like it right now, but your body is actually on your side. It wants you to be able to last longer in bed which is why it sends you a range of subtle signals. The problem is that most guys are completely oblivious to them and let the messages go straight through to the catcher.
It's not difficult to learn how to read these messages you sexual response system is sending you and once you can, you'll realize how easy it can be to make a small change that can shut problems down right at the source, before they have the chance to influence the ejaculatory muscles.
5. Getting yourself in the zone ( Its the key to maintaining control during hard, pounding sessions)
Now when I first explain this next skill most guys don't get it. But once they begin to understand how this helps everything "click" into place they quickly realize that it's one of the most powerful skills you can develop to remove that anxiousness of thinking about the clock and putting yourself right into the moment so you can enjoy every bit of it.
You see most guys (and even a few so called experts) who don't really understand how your sexual response system works will often tell you to try to distract yourself during intercourse, yet as I explain in my Beyond Delay program
this is the worst thing you can do and what you really need to be doing the exact opposite.

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