It is the age old question. Does size matter? When we hear it, most of us immediately think about penis size. Many men are so hung up on penis size that even in early dating stages will provide commentary on their member. I know women are often asked this questions and answers range from detailed and specific about width and length “I like ‘em long and pencil thin” or “big and thick” to the stand-by response “It’s not the size of the ship, its the motion of the ocean.”
However, there is more to the story than meets the eye. The purpose of this study was to determine if penis size evolved over time based on women’s preferences. Prior to the development of clothing, basically the motto “what you see is what you get” applied. In modern times the size of a man’s penis (in most cases) is not easily detectable beneath clothing. It is theorized that over time the penis evolved based on women’s “natural selection.” The purpose of the study was to try to determine if this hypothesis was true.
For the purpose of the study, 105 Australian women viewed 53 digitally created images of man with varying heights and penis sizes and judged them on sexual attractiveness. It seems that most of the readers of the study got stuck at this point “penis size interacts with body shape and height to determine male sexual attractiveness.” Based on the headlines you’d think this was the final word on the subject in the study. However, the study goes on to say “the marginal increase in attractiveness eventually declined with greater penis size (i.e., quadratic selection). Penis size had a stronger effect on attractiveness in taller men than in shorter men. There was a similar increase in the positive effect of penis size on attractiveness with a more masculine body shape (i.e., greater shoulder-to-hip ratio). Surprisingly, larger penis size and greater height had almost equivalent positive effects on male attractiveness.”
It seems to me, that based on the study, a larger penis really has diminishing returns over the long run. However, when a larger penis is attached to a larger man, the physical attraction is positively impacted. I don’t know about you but that makes sense to me. Although I know there is no study out there that supports -the bigger the man the bigger the penis- I think many of us make an assumption that a 6’4 guy is not going to having a 2 incher...but stranger things have been known to happen!
Penis Size Does Matter: Women Find Men With Larger Genitals More Attractive
Science has spoken guys: penis size matters – at least to women who are deciding if they want to have sex with you.
Using data from a large study of Italian men, researchers created 343 computer-generated male figures varying in (flaccid) penis size, as well as in height and shoulder-to-hip ratio.
Qualities such as facial attractiveness and hair were deliberately omitted from the graphics and a group of 105 young Australian women were asked to rate each image on sexual attractiveness.
The study was inspired by Dr Mautz’s observation that the human penis is significantly longer than it needs to be to perform its primary biological role, i.e. to reproduce.
As The Independent puts it, the evolution in the size of penises “is in fact the result of many generations of prehistoric women choosing well-endowed men.”
She’s been around the block before with blockheads just like you. So you need to make sure that you’re not a blockhead in the least (ten points if you can figure out that reference by the way). Now if you want to become more attractive and less of a blockhead to your Cougar you can do so by being erudite, but also by being fit or being well endowed.
We have been told that when it comes to the package, size doesn’t matter. It’s what you do with it, it’s the motion of the ocean and all that.
The truth of the matter is that size does matterhowever and the size of a flacid penis could significantly change how attractive a woman found a man’s body. This also means that the people who are growers rather than showers are also out of luck.
This is the work of several scientists who took the time out of their day from curing cancer and finding a way to stop the ice caps from melting to do these little tests. After all they reasoned that finding out the way that our biology can dictate our preferences could mean a lot when it comes to figuring out how peple choose their mates.
Our genitalia are special. The size, shape and the look of our genitalia differs more between people than any other species. Our genitalia is also important, private and personal to ourselves.
It is because it is so personal that most people would shy away from quantifying penis size as there is a definite fear of having on that is too small and it is a very personal area for many men. Look at all the penis enhancement ads or the tricks to make your penis look bigger that prey on the men who think that they need to have the biggest dick for their chick.
So we have some good news and some bad news for you Cubs. The good news is that attractiveness of a male is not based on penis size by itself and instead relies on three main factors: torso shape, penis size, and height. The bad news is that penis size is on par with height for how attractive men are. This means that it is definitely something to keep in mind. The beautiful thing about us being clothed though is that there are ways to create optical illusions much in the way that we use certain clothes to slim down.
The scientists involved in the study think that the female gaze might have to do with the evolution of the shape of the penis to what it is now. So treat your Cougar right because she just might have been responsible for the way your dick looks.
An original scientifically study, carried out by sexuality researchers and Penis Size Statistics at IndianaUniversity, has found that the common erect penile size is exactly 14.15 cm (average 5.57 inches).
All these following measures match to those of an adult (1.80 meter, and 80 kg). Understand that the dimension of high and the weight of an individual may modify.
On the world the United States came in at 5 inches; Australia came in at 5.2 inches. Maximum dimensions of the list were the Congo, whose men boasted an average of 7.1 inches. Next is Ecuadorians with 7.0 inches, Ghanaians at 6.8 inches; and Colombians at 6.7 inches.
In Europe region, Italians were at the first of the list, with 6.2 inches. Next was Greece, at 5.8 inches and Germany at 5.7 inches. British men measured in at 5.5 inches, whipping out the French, who measured 5.3 inches. Next on the list is North and South Korea, who both measure, on average, 3.8 inches.
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