Have you found yourself saying, "Not tonight," more than usual? It might be something you ate. These days more men suffer from a decreased sex drive, and some of the major culprits are as simple as what they’re putting into their mouths. Foods can negatively affect your libido, especially as you age, so it’s important to find those ingestible perpetrators and cut them down, or out, of your diet. Testesterone levels affect sexual desire, so anything that depletes these hormones in men can eventually zap their desire for sex. We talked to experts to sort out what foods to steer clear of if you want your bedroom mojo in top form.
Researchers found that men who consumed 120 mg of soy a day had a decrease in testosterone. And if you’re working on becoming a dad, make sure you cut down or delete it entirely from your diet; a 2008 study in the journal Human Reproduction found that soy can lower a man’s sperm count.
Any refined carbohydrates, such as those loaded into graham crackers, can still wreak havoc on a man’s intimate time. Excess refined carbohydrates (bleached white flour) can zap testosterone levels. Sugars from refined carbs will not only make a man gain weight but can raise the level of estrogen and deplete his testosterone levels.
Alcohol in moderation never hurt anyone’s lust, but overindulging can bring things down by the end of the night. “Alcohol can take a toll on your sexual prowess causing erectile difficulties, trouble achieving orgasm and premature ejaculation.
Foods that contain added hormones or antibiotics, such as some red meats, are a huge sex offender by unbalancing a man’s natural hormones when consumed in excess. For some, certain foods can even affect secretions like semen, sweat, urine and breath.
Consumption of any food in excess leads to weight gain, which is the number one sex drive killer for any man.The better the person’s diet is, the more healthy their sex drive.
decreased sex drive,
erectile difficulties,
erectile dysfunction,
low libido,
man’s sperm count,
penis enlargement,
premature ejaculation,
sex drive,
sexual desire,
Testesterone level