When it comes to conceiving a child, there are many things
that can go wrong such as sperm allergies, poor quality of eggs, sperm and ineffective.
Of the approximately 1 in 10 couples who are infertile, it is estimated that
male factors alone contribute to 35% of these cases. While men produce millions of sperm every day external
factors can affect the health of these little swimmers. And because sperm takes
approximately 75 days to grow to adulthood can affect your fertility harming

Human testes can not work properly if they are capable to
remain cooler than the rest of the body. Fortunately, the male anatomy is
designed to create the distance between the testicles and the core temperature
of the body.If the temperature of the testicles will be increased to 98,
able to cease sperm production. When production is interrupted, the sperm can
be affected months. A high fever can have the same effect as moist heat in a
man's sperm count with the same lasting effects. And depending on the timing of
the sperm production process, can reduce sperm concentration to 35% after a
According to researchers, there is a direct correlation
between laptop use and increase scrotal temperature 35 in certain positions.
This increase has a well-documented adverse effect on spermatogenesis, so if
you're trying to conceive, let the laptop on the desk.
The difference between boxers and briefs are generally not
large enough to make a change in sperm count. Boxers are better than briefs, if
a man's sperm count is low. But it may have little effect if the sperm count is
normal.However, wearing tight bicycle shorts for an extended period
of time is a bad idea. The more constricted a man's pants, the less hospitable
an environment he creates for the production of sperm.
Obesity is associated with increased production of female
hormones estrogen, decreased sperm count, sexual dysfunction and infertility.
In comparison with normal and overweight men have obese fertile men decreased
testicular function and significantly lower sperm. Although obesity reduces
sperm count may only extreme levels of obesity adversely affect male
reproductive potential.
Tobacco, alcohol and marijuana can impair sexual function.
Alcohol Abuse negatively affects sperm quality and production, while cigarette
smoking hinders sperm sperm motility.In Besides slowing down, other studies
show that smoking cigarettes can damage sperm DNA and erectile dysfunction.
Marijuana is not safe. Smoking pot is shown that, sperm function and male
fertility decrease overall.