Brown rice
Brown rice is full of B vitamins which are vital for the
production of energy – without which there is no libido worth talking about. It
is also a good source of magnesium essential for muscle contraction, which is
also vital for sexual sensitivity, arousal, ejaculation and orgasm. Have in
place of ordinary rice.
In ancient Persia, couples drank honey liquor every day for
a month after they married to get them in the mood for love (known as the honey
month or honeymoon). Honey is rich in B vitamins, needed for testosterone
production and its fructose content aids stamina and provides a slow and steady
release of energy, so rolling over and falling asleep will not be an option.
Brazil nuts
A study conducted at the University of Padua in Italy
showed that a diet low in selenium could be a key reason of male infertility.
Selenium acts to help prevent oxidation (damage) of the sperm cell, thus helps
to increase the chance of having healthy sperm. Three Brazil nuts will supply
you with your RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowances)
Scientists in Texas have shown that eating watermelon may
have a libido boosting effects. This is down to its
citrulline and arginine content, which can trigger the production of nitric
oxide, a compound that helps relax the body's blood vessels.
Vanilla Ice Cream
Vanilla is a substance that is used in everything from
food and body care to candles and air fresheners and for good reason. According
to the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago vanilla is
one of the fragrances found to be very effective in increasing penile blood
flow. So a tub of Hagen Daaz’s finest won’t be just for her benefit.
Truffles aphrodisiac qualities are due to their musky
scent. They contain a substance called alpha-androstetenol that mimics
pheromones (which is what attracts truffle hunting boars). In humans pheromones
are intricately related to physical attraction and arousal, which explains why
the truffle has such an erotic reputation. Serve a small amount grated over
some scrambled eggs as breakfast in bed and get ready not to get up until
Tuna is rich in vitamin B3 and it’s the blood dilating
effect of this vitamin that can boost your sex life, especially those who have
erectile dysfunctions. Other effects of B3 include an increased sense of touch,
enhanced orgasm and improved erection. So make sure it’s on the menu for that
all-important third date with the new woman you've found on the Men's Health
Dating Lounge.
Know as the Love Apple, the reputation of the tomato as
an aid to love has long been based on its sensual colouring and mouth feel
rather than any effect it has physically. However its high beta-carotene
content – which converts to vitamin A – makes it essential for maintaining
sexual health. Vitamin A aids the normal functioning of reproductive organs,
plays a vital role in the production of testosterone and is also important for
the health of all mucous membranes.
Thinking of starting a family? Then get some spinach down
you. Eaten raw this is one of the few vegetables that contains co-enzyme Q10. A
study in the journal of Fertility and Sterility demonstrated that coenzyme Q10
can help improve sperm movement, which is good news for those whose seed may
need a bit of a pick me up.
Perhaps known more as a turn off than a turn on, garlic
is actually a very effective aphrodisiac. Garlic contains a potent ingredient
called allicin that increases blood flow and libido. But don't forget to bring
the breath mints or you’ll be sent home early.
enhanced orgasm,
healthy sperm,
improved erection,
libido boosting,
penile blood flow,
prolargent size,
sexual sensitivity,
testosterone production